Daily Archives: January 21, 2008

What Makes You Think That Crap Is Ok?!?

Perhaps I need to manage my medication a little more closely, but I’m still quite irritated about something (that didn’t even involve me) that happened over four hours ago.

The fam and I were in the Starbucks drive-thru line waiting for a caffeine fix.  We were behind one of those lowered, black, window-tinted, punk mitsubishi cars.

He got his drink, pulled forward 5 feet (half of the distance to the GARBAGE CAN) and threw what looked like a half-full, melted, frapaccino against the wall!  It splashed on the wall, and the sidewalk, and then he drove away.

What the hell?!

I pulled up to the window, and made some comment to the drive-thru-starbucker.  She said he was mad because the can’t take garbage in the window (understandable).

In one of those ‘wouldn’t it have been great if…’ moments.  I thought (as I was considering this post) it would have been great if… I poured what was left of the coffee, chocolate, gooey mess all over his car while he was at the stop light.   Mrs. eSquared would’ve stopped me before I touched the door handle, I’m sure.

This is where I would write a two page diatribe on the implicit social contract, (Socrates, Smith, Locke) and then rant for another page on disrespectful, callow youth.

Maybe he needs to evaluate his medication dosage also.