On Looking Back…

Lately, little miss sprout is really coming into her personhood. She is developing likes, dislikes, and a little bit of sass to get her point across.

The thing that I enjoy the most is her sense of wonder. How she stares at an unfamiliar object and puzzles it out is amazing to watch.

Watching her be a kid reminds me of my own childhood, and what it felt like to be a kid. Certainly I don’t remember back to when I was ten months old, but I remember stuff further along. Stuff that I haven’t thought about in 30-35 years.

Things that made me laugh. You know, innocent, silly laughs, like Mad Magazine: Spy vs. Spy, the pictures that changed when you folded them, “the lighter side of…” and those little cartoons in the margins.

Other things like Bummers: “It’s a bummer when… ” I can’t remember any now, but they used to make me laugh.

The truth is… I can chase these memories of truly happy times as a kid, but I’ll never be able to describe them so you’ll understand.

Instead, chase your own. Reach way back and think if the joys of your own childhood. What did you think you could do better than anyone else? What make you laugh – every time. What silly things did you do?

The best part of all this? I get to experience these joys all over again with Little Miss Sprout. I’m so lucky… I can’t wait.

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