Tag Archives: Silly Shit

A Drip and a Dork…

Sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas, Old Crow called to ask me if she could do some of her laundry the following day. I said of course, and didn’t think any more about it… until I came home from working out.

I was astounded and angered to find she had everything that we had under the kitchen sink, scattered around the kitchen floor, with wet towels.

When words finally came to me, (that weren’t profane) I managed to say, “What happened”?

OC: [looking at me like it was obvious] “You have a leak.”

Me: “What part of your laundry is under our sink”?

OC: “Huh…? There’s a leak under the sink”

Me: “What were you doing under the sink in the first place”?

OC: “Oh… I don’t remember. I’m going to get son-in-law over here to see what’s wrong. But he won’t be able to get here until Sunday.

Me: [thinking she evaded the question] “That’s three days from now.”

Knowing Old Crow, her fierce cheapness, and her stupid compulsions – she would dicker with anyone stupid enough to take the job, and she wouldn’t let is use the sink in the mean time. So I said I’d look at it and figure out the problem.

I did. The faucet leaked

It looked easy. She buys the faucet, and I put it in. She doesn’t pay labor, and I don’t have to wait three days (and endure a parade of plumbers cracks) to use the sink.

First, OC bought the wrong faucet. It wouldn’t fit in the same hole. Luckily I caught the error, but didn’t see the omen.

Then, I turned off the water, disassembled the pipes from the drain and disposal, then disconnected the water pipes. I unscrewed all but one of the anchor bolts. I worked on that one for 20 minutes before I realized the mount had rusted out and the bolt was just spinning as I turned it.

Old Crow wasn’t home, and I didn’t have a hack saw to cut through the bolt. So I relied on a part of my personality that had brought me through countless situations similar to this one… brute-force and ignorance. By the way… I didn’t say it got me through those situations gracefully.

45 minutes, a pint of sweat, and a torrent of profanity later… I was able to expand the bolt hole enough to pull the head of the bolt through.

In my estimation, all I needed to do was get the old faucet out and my problems would be over. Nope.

Two larger problems remained. First, the original install was custom. The water supply pipes weren’t long enough to meet the ones supplied with the new faucet. And, the brute force and ignorance that got me out of the previous problem, bent the crap out of the sink where the faucet bolted to the sink… Oops.

I couldn’t install the new faucet, and I wrecked the sink. I kept telling myself, “Old Crow… You get what you pay for.” I did feel a little bad about the sink though.

Long story short…

It turns out the sink wad pretty rusted and needed to be replaced anyway. It is nearly as old as I am.

Two days later, Old Crow convinced one of her ‘gentlemen friends,’ a retired contractor, to install the new sink; while she watched every move. It took him 9 hours, and several trips to Home Depot. I wonder if she was paying him by the hour… Or if they had some other deal worked out (shutter).

Next: Protecting the Sink…

Company URL’s…

1. A site called ‘Who Represents’ where you can find the name of the agent
that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange
advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company…

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South

7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is

9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their
whacky website:

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at

Company URL's…

1. A site called ‘Who Represents’ where you can find the name of the agent
that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange
advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company…

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South

7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is

9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their
whacky website:

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at

Dancin Macarena…

Lookin for Love in all the Wrong Places…

Mrs. eSquared: “Oh my GAWHD! You’re bleeding! What did you do to your nose?!?”

eSquared: “Oh… it’s nothing.”

Mrs. E2:  “It looks painful… how did you bang it?”

E2: “Really… it’s ok.  It doesnt hurt.”

[long silence with Mrs. E2 giving me “that look.”]

E2: “Ok… it’s kind of embarrassing.”

Mrs. E2: [with her interest piqued] “Now you HAVE to tell me.”

E2: [sighing in resignation and humiliation] “Alright…  after the last time I emptied the Diaper Genie, I didn’t set it up right.  Now, the bags just spin when you crank the handle.”

Mrs. E2:  Yeah, I noticed that; kinda drives me nuts.  Go on…”

E2: “So… I picked up the genie, and started to spin the bags inside from the bottom.”

Mrs. E2: “And…”

E2: “And, the lid slammed on my nose.  [pause]  While I was spinning the bags.”

Mrs. E2: “So… you slammed your nose in the Diaper Genie.”

E2:  “Uh… yeah.”

Mrs. E2:  “Why didn’t you just say it like that?

E2: [giving her a look] “I slammed my nose in the Diaper Genie.”

Mrs. E2:  “Yeah, good point.  [pause] I need a picture of this.”

Last Night: Epilog

Subtitle: Feline Puberty

When we left the “Cat and Foot” saga, I ran for the couch and left Mrs. eSquared on her own with the cat. Yes, I admit it was cowardly, but running away is a perfectly viable defensive maneuver. It has worked well in the past.

So… back to the problem. The cat has taught himself a new trick; oddly enough, this trick has a name: Feline Masturbation. Yes, this has been confirmed by several dubious internet sources. Here’s one:

Masturbation is a difficult problem to deal with in cats. It is a normal behavior and it is probably pleasurable. This combination makes it hard to discourage. It is not really unusual for neutered cats to learn to masturbate and it may be possible for them to produce some fluid.

In a few cats, this can become (or possibly starts out as) an obsessive/compulsive disorder. If this is a really persistent problem rather than an occasional one, it would be a good idea to ask your vet if there is a behaviorist in your area who you can work with to help resolve the problem. In this case medications for obsessive/compulsive disorders may be helpful. As far as I know, these are the only cats in which medication is likely to help.

Mike Richards, DVM

The brat is about 3 years old now. I don’t know how old that is in cat years, but he sure acts like a teenager. Like any normal teenager, he’s experimenting. I can imagine what’s going on in his little kitty head…

“Sleep… sleep… where’s that lady with the crunchies… sleep… “
“Poop… sleep… hey! You’re not the lady with the crunchies! Sleep…”
“Sleep… what’s this… humm… mmm… oooh… that’s nice… That was fun… let’s do that again…”

(sigh) I miss those days… Good times.

It may be late…

… but it’s news to me

Go Seattle!

Talk among yourselves

Fifteen Seconds of Fame on Grammar Girl

I’ve recently become addicted to podcasts – subscribed multimedia files streamed from the web. A particular cast has grabbed and held my attention. Grammar Girl is both fun and educational; especially for someone with a left-brain word fetish such as me. Grammar Girl’s podcasts add many more obsessions for my inner-grammarian to obsess over.

Alas, I am not alone. Thinking that I was the only one who lost sleep over the affect vs. effect problem, I called in for Grammar Girls help. She published my call on her site and answered my question. I can finally sleep now.

She also commissioned a cartoon to illustrate the mnemonic that I asked for; way to go Grammar Girl. Although she misspelled my name, I think I’m in love.

Cartoon Courtesy of Grammar Girl at http://www.cafepress.com/grammargirl

Sign Posted in Coffee Shop…

Children left unattended will be given espresso and a free puppy.

For you… dear reader

No doubt you have noticed the calvin avitars I’ve begun adding to each post. I got the idea from Dave at Blogography. He adds a little image of himself to each of his posts. I have neither the time or the inclination to take a dozen pictures of myself so I chose the Calvin image because he resembles my pic on this page.

Along these same lines… I think I’m going to add another dimentions to this blog: sound. It was such a hoot finding the wav file for the previous post, I thought I’d try to add one or two sound files to my posts.

So… Beginning with this post, I’ll add a random sound file to the calvin avitar. Perhaps one that fits my mood, or a favorite clip from a movie. Also, I’ll to add sound clips to emphasize some of the content.

Please, let me know if these sound files slow your computer, or boggs your browser down. Also, I’d like the feedback.